Abstract In the three-phase VSR control system, in order to solve the errors caused by direct current drift and initial value in flux estimation under the traditional no voltage sensors control, a new adaptive sliding-mode observer with virtual flux orientation under non-line voltage sensors control is presented in direct power control(DPC) system. In the new observer, the power supply voltage value is estimated by the switching function based on Sigmoid function. Meanwhile, we design a novel adaptive controller to adjust the compensated reference flux based on virtual flux linkage to be perpendicular to grid voltage. This adaptive sliding-mode observer has improved the virtual flux estimation precision, according to the justified tendency of reduction of the number of the sensors. As an efficient solution to improve the power quality used in DPC system, the proposed control strategy has effectively inhibited the bus voltage fluctuation and harmonic interference. The good dynamic and static performance is verified by simulation and experiment.
Xiao Xiong,Zhang Yongjun,Wang Jing等. PWM Rectifiers Based on Adaptive Sliding-mode Observer with Virtual Flux Orientation under Non-line Voltage Sensors Control[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(12): 152-161.
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