Sliding-Mode Control for Grid-Side Converters of DFIG-Based Wind- Power Generation System Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions |
Zhang Di, Wei Yanjun, Ma Lixuan, Zhang Jinlong, Ding Hao, Qi Hanhong |
Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China |
Abstract An improved control strategy of grid-side converter(GSC) is presented based on sliding-mode control in two phase static coordinate. The method uses double-loop structure, direct power control based on sliding-mode control(SMC-DPC) is used in the inner-loop, and in the outer-loop a sliding mode controller was designed to improve the DC-link voltage stability. Grid-side converter models were analyzed under unbalanced grid voltage conditions. It is proved that the control objectives can be realized without changing the existing control structure under unbalanced grid voltage conditions. The controller has advantages of simple structure, high control precision, rapid response speed and strong robustness. Simulation and experiment results confirm the reliability and validity of the control strategy under unbalanced grid voltage conditions.
Received: 10 September 2014
Published: 29 June 2015
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