Exploration and Implementation of Visible Simulation the Innovative Practice Teaching on Field and Wave of Electromagnetics |
An Aimin, Zhang Aihua, Huang Ling, Ma Jing, Li Jianhai |
Lanzhou University of Technology Lanzhou 730050 China |
Abstract Combined with modern digital technology, the students who major in electronic information are taught through the teaching method of problem based learning (PBL) for the more abstract electric and magnetic fields and the related physical phenomena in the course of “electromagnetic field and wave”. In this process, the C++ computer programming language is used to simulate the electromagnetic physical phenomena in order to help students understand and grasp the difficult electromagnetic concepts. Firstly, mathematical analysis and modeling are done on the basis of dynamic image lifelike simulation. The implementation of the innovation of the course aims to help students participate these processes including modeling process and realizing method of active discussion of electromagnetic phenomena. The aims are to inspire students’ learning interest, to improve student learning initiative, and to train students' creative thinking ability. Through the implementation of the innovative practice teaching method, the students can understand the concepts and fundamental principles of the electromagnetic field and wave, students are trained to use mathematical tools for analyzing and solving problems. Finally, students’ abilities of programming understanding, physical modeling and solving practical problems all can be improved.
Received: 10 October 2031
Published: 22 May 2014
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