Zero DC Voltage Control Based DC Fault Ride-Through Strategy for Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converter in HVDC |
Yin Taiyuan1, Wang Yue1, Duan Guozhao1, Liu Gang2, Hu Siquan2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China; 2. Xuji Group Corporation Xuchang 461000 China |
Abstract DC short circuit fault ride is an important part of HVDC research. In this paper, for hybrid modular multilevel converter in HVDC, a zero DC voltage control based DC fault ride through strategy is proposed, independent control strategy of up and down arms is proposed to keep MMC arm energy balance during the fault ride-through process, negative voltage control for deionization reduction is used to increase fault current obliteration speed. Effectiveness of this zero DC voltage control based DC fault ride-through strategy is verified by simulation and experiment. Compared to MMC-blocked DC fault ride-through strategy, zero DC voltage control based DC fault ride-through strategy has the advantages of sub module voltage balance, uninterrupted reactive power supply and rapid system reboot.
Received: 03 May 2018
Published: 29 July 2019
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