Current Harmonics Suppression Strategies of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor |
Li Shuai1, Sun Lizhi1, Liu Xingya2, An Quntao1 |
1. Department of Electrical Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China; 2. Suzhou lnovance Technology Co. Ltd Suzhou 215104 China |
Abstract There are 5th and 7th current harmonics in permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) due to nonlinearity of the inverter and nonsinusoidal back electromotive forces, which produces torque ripple, vibration and noise, and affects performance of the system. In this paper, the current harmonics suppression strategies are reviewed, and their principles are introduced. And also, experimental results and comparisons are shown to compare these methods.
Received: 22 June 2018
Published: 29 July 2019
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