Experimental and Mechanistic Study on Anti-Icing of Superhydrophobic Surface of Lotus Leaf |
Wang Li, Hu Qin, Shu Lichun, Yang Hang, Jiang Xingliang |
Xuefeng Mountain Energy Equipment Safety National Observation and Research Station of Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract Ice-covering phenomenon seriously affects the safe and stable operation of power equipment and facilities such as transmission lines and wind turbines. Superhydrophobic surfaces have attracted much attention as a potential anti-icing method without external energy. However, there is still some controversy among scholars at home and abroad about the anti-icing effect of different hydrophobic materials in different environments. Under normal conditions, it is difficult for lotus leaf plants and ice-covered environments to coexist, leading to fewer studies on the anti-icing effect of lotus leaves, especially intact lotus leaf plants. Considering that the impact of freezing rain and ice cover on the safe operation of power equipment is significantly higher than that of other ice cover types, typical freezing rain and ice cover conditions were simulated in an artificial climate chamber, and freezing rain and ice cover was carried out on the whole lotus leaf plant to observe the ice cover results. Comparison experiments were carried out on lotus leaf slices and ordinary glass to quantitatively analyze the ice-covered area and ice-covered weight of lotus leaves. Small pieces of lotus leaves were cut from the surface of lotus leaves, dried under vacuum at 40℃, then sprayed with gold, and observed the microscopic morphology by scanning electron microscope, and the roughness of the samples was measured by confocal microscope; the chemical composition of lotus leaf slices was analyzed by Fourier infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction analysis. The freezing rain-over-ice test on lotus leaves showed that although the overcooled water droplets impacted with the lotus leaves, the hydrophobicity of the surface of the lotus leaves prevented the water droplets from infiltrating and rolling downward on the surface of the leaves. As a result, the lotus leaf surface maintains a low capture rate of supercooled water droplets, thus providing a certain degree of anti-icing capability. Comparative ice-covering experiments on lotus leaf slices and glass showed that the proportion of ice-covered area and the weight of ice-covered area on lotus leaf slices were lower than that on glass. The distribution of ice cover on the surface of lotus leaves was found to be related to the growth process of the surface. The earlier the unfolding of the lotus leaf surface, the more complete the micro-nanostructure, the lower the surface energy, the larger the contact angle, and the less likely to form over ice. The results of the XPS test revealed that the surface of the ruffle is composed of waxes containing long-chain alkanes. The test results found that long-chain alkanes and micronized binary roughness are the key factors for the lotus leaf to have the ability to retard ice overlay. Due to the presence of long-chain alkanes, the lotus leaf forms a low surface energy surface and reduces the adhesion between solid and liquid. According to the microscopic morphology of the lotus leaf surface, it is found that the air gap between the micro- and nano-binary roughness protrusions hinders the heat transfer of water droplets during the condensation process, which delays the formation of ice nuclei; it also reduces the nucleation sites of inhomogeneous nucleation as well as the nucleation rate, and raises the free-energy potential barrier of ice nuclei; the combined effect delays the ice-covering of the lotus leaf.
Received: 25 December 2023
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