Online Identification of Joint Parameters of Electric Vehicle Wireless Charging System Based on Loop-Iteration Particle Swarm Optimization |
Liu Tingzhang, Zhang Ziheng |
School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation Shanghai University Shanghai 200444 China |
Abstract Parameters drift in wireless power transfer system often affects the charging efficiency and transmission power of the system. A joint parameter online identification method for resonant wireless power transfer systems was proposed in this paper. First, the circuit equations were established based on the equivalent resonant circuit. Secondly, a model of feature variable is established. Then the input voltage on the primary side, the real-time current on the primary side and the secondary side were detected and performed Fourier transform to obtain the characteristic frequency. On this basis, a fitness function containing only 4 unknowns (L1, C1, L2, C2) was constructed. The parameter identification problem was transformed into a function optimization problem. A loop-iteration particle swarm optimization algorithm was proposed to find the optimal solution of unknown parameters. The 4 parameters to be identified are divided into two groups. Primary capacitance C1 and inductance L1 are the first set, secondary capacitance C2 and inductance L2 are the second one. Only one set of parameters are identified each time, and the identification results are taken as the initial conditions of the optimization process of the other set. Finally, the simulation and experiment show that the proposed scheme can identify each parameter effectively when four parameters drift simultaneously in WPT system, and can achieve high accuracy.
Received: 29 November 2021
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