Multi-Mode Model Predictive Control Strategy for the Four-Switch Buck-Boost Converter |
Wu Yan, Wang Wei, Zeng Guohong, Wu Xuezhi, Tang Fen |
National Active Distribution Network Technology Research Center Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract The four-switch Buck-Boost converter can operate in multiple operating modes, which is suitable for wide voltage range conversion occasions. How to choose a suitable operating mode and achieve smooth mode switching is the key issue to be solved. In this paper, a multi-mode model predictive control (MPC) strategy for the four-switch Buck-Boost converter was proposed. According to the voltage conversion requirements, four operating modes of the converter were determined. On the basis of the traditional Buck and Boost modes, two extended modes were adopted to eliminate the control dead zone that existed in the Buck and Boost modes when the input voltage was close to the output voltage. The predictive mechanism of the model predictive control method was used to realize the predictive current control of each operating mode, and at the same time, the most suitable operating mode was selected according to the duty cycle prediction results of different operating modes in the next control cycle. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed control strategy can effectively select the most suitable operating mode of the four-switch Buck-Boost converter and achieve smoother mode switching, and has better dynamic response performance.
Received: 08 May 2021
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