Analysis of the Influence of IGBT Segmented Transient Model with Parasitic Oscillation on Electromagnetic Interference Prediction |
Huang Huazhen1, Tong Han1, Wang Ningyan2, Lu Tiebing1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. Fujian Electrical Power Research Institute Fuzhou 350003 China |
Abstract The di/dt and du/dt of the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) switching process are the major factors affecting the electromagnetic interference (EMI) level of the converter. The parasitic oscillation of IGBT is an important part of high frequency EMI, and the EMI peak appears at the oscillation frequency. In this paper, an IGBT segmented transient model considering parasitic oscillations was presented. The effects of parasitic parameters and device nonlinear capacitance on switching characteristics were analyzed. The voltage and current change rates at different stages were calculated respectively. Then, a diode-clamped inductive load test platform was built. The current and voltage waveforms of IGBT were obtained, and the spectrum characteristics of the segmented model and the actual waveform were analyzed and compared. Finally, it is verified through experiments that the oscillation process in the model is the key factor affecting the current spectrum characteristics, and the three-stage equivalent model of Cgc can significantly improve the accuracy of voltage spectrum prediction. The proposed model improves the prediction accuracy of the IGBT interference source spectrum and can be used to evaluate the EMI level of the actual converter.
Received: 26 October 2020
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