The Dual-Objective Direct Balancing Method Based on Flyback Converter |
Guo Xiangwei, Geng Jiahao, Liu Zhen, Zhang Wei, Bu Xuhui |
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Henan Polytechnic University Jiaozuo 454000 China |
Abstract The inevitable inconsistency among the cells of series battery pack of new energy vehicles will reduce the energy efficiency and cycle life of the battery pack, and even endanger the safety of the battery system. In order to improve the consistency of series battery pack, this paper innovatively proposes a balancing topology based on flyback converter, which uses a simple and reliable structure to realize the energy transfer between the whole battery and any single cell. The proposed balancing topology reduces the number of components and the volume of the balancing system, and only requires one set of signals on the primary side of the energy transfer, which reduces the control difficulty. Based on this topology, a dual-objective direct balancing control strategy is proposed, which combines the balancing of the charging process and the discharging process into one. Meanwhile, the reduction of the highest terminal voltage and the increase of the lowest terminal voltage in the charging/discharging process are realized. The simulation and experimental results show that the novel balancing method proposed in this paper has a good dynamic and static balancing effect, and can significantly improve the consistency of the series battery pack.
Received: 06 January 2020
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