Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer Receiving Process in Nonferromagnetic Material |
Sun Wenxiu1,2, Liu Guoqiang1,2, Xia Hui1, Song Jiaxiang1,2, Xia Zhengwu1 |
1. Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China; 2. School of Electronic, Electrical and Communication Engineering University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 101408 China |
Abstract Aiming at defect detecting problems of the nonferromagnetic metal plate, a numerical simulation and experimental study were carried out. The working mechanism of electromagnetic acoustic transducer is complex. Existing simulations are mainly aimed at the exciting process, and the specimen has no defect. In this research, a finite element model of ultrasonic emission and electromagnetic acoustic transducer reception was established, and the induced voltage received by the coil was analyzed when there is defective or not in the specimen. According to the excitation frequency and the dispersion characteristics of ultrasonic guided wave, the meander coil was designed and fabricated. Then, the coil conductor size and the effect of coil lift-off on the performance of the electromagnetic acoustic transducer were studied. The experiment was carried out on the aluminum plate with no defect or defects. The results show that the voltage signal received by the coil can reflect the position of the defect. The experimental results are in agreement with the simulation results. The work in this paper is of great significance for the design of the coil and the analysis of the receiving signal when the test specimen with or without defects in electromagnetic acoustic transducer.
Received: 19 September 2017
Published: 15 October 2018
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