电工技术学报  2023, Vol. 38 Issue (20): 5572-5589    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.221579
电力系统与综合能源 |
高本锋1, 王义1, 范辉2, 梁纪峰3, 张建坡1
1.河北省分布式储能与微网重点实验室(华北电力大学) 保定 071003;
2.国网河北省电力有限公司 石家庄 050021;
3.国网河北省电力有限公司电力科学研究院 石家庄 050021
A Sub-Synchronous Interaction Analysis Method of Renewable Energy Generations Integrated with LCC-HVDC System Based on Damping Path
Gao Benfeng1, Wang Yi1, Fan Hui2, Liang Jifeng3, Zhang Jianpo1
1. Hebei Key Laboratory of Distributed Energy Storage and Micro-grid North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China;
2. State Grid Hebei Electric Power Supply Co. Ltd Shijiazhuang 050021 China;
3. Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Hebei Electric Power Supply Co. Ltd Shijiazhuang 050021 China
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摘要 大规模新能源通过电网换相型高压直流输电(LCC-HVDC)送出时,新能源发电设备的电压源换流器(VSC)与LCC-HVDC之间的交互作用存在诱发次同步振荡(SSO)的风险,因此迫切需要开展相关研究。该文提出一种阻尼路径分析法,研究新能源经LCC-HVDC送出系统的次同步交互作用。阻尼路径能够清楚地显示次同步频率扰动的传递过程,揭示系统内的次同步交互作用。根据扰动通过设备的不同,阻尼路径可分为三类,分别反映设备内部的阻尼作用以及不同设备之间的次同步交互作用。通过阻尼重构,可得到每条路径的阻尼,并使用类Heffron- Phillips模型中的阻尼系数对路径阻尼进行定量评估,从而达到分析次同步交互作用对SSO模式阻尼影响的目的。最后以直驱风电场经LCC-HVDC送出系统为算例,验证了阻尼路径分析法的有效性。
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关键词 新能源发电LCC-HVDC次同步交互作用阻尼路径阻尼重构    
Abstract:In China, wind power, photovoltaic, and other renewable energy are mainly distributed in the western and northern regions, far from the load center in the eastern and central regions. Consequently, line-commutated converter-based high voltage direct current (LCC-HVDC) has become the main form of renewable energy transmission. However, according to the rapid technological development of renewable energy, more and more renewable energy bases will be connected to the near area of the LCC-HVDC transmission end. The proportion of renewable energy will increase, weakening the support capacity of conventional power supply. The interaction between the grid-connected voltage source converter (VSC) of renewable energy power generation equipment and LCC-HVDC is increasingly obvious, and this interaction has the risk of inducing sub-synchronous oscillation (SSO). The current research methods for the SSO characteristics of renewable energy generations integrated with the LCC-HVDC system mainly focus on the impedance analysis method and eigenvalue analysis method, and the research content also focuses on the judgment of SSO stability. It is necessary to study the sub-synchronous interaction at the physical level from a new perspective.
This paper uses the damping path to analyze the transmission process of the sub-synchronous frequency disturbance to analyze the sub-synchronous interaction of the system. Firstly, the second-order motion equations of three kinds of oscillation dominant elements are derived. By analogy with the Heffron-Phillips model of synchronous machine rotor, the “Heffron-Phillips-like model” is obtained to analyze the stability of oscillation dominant elements. Afterward, based on the dynamic process of the dominant oscillation element, the closed-loop transfer function block diagram of the system is established, and three kinds of damping paths are obtained through analysis. The first kind of damping path reflects the internal damping of power electronic equipment, the second kind of damping path reflects the interaction between the power electronic equipment and the AC system, and the third kind of damping path reflects the interaction between different power electronic equipment. Subsequently, the closed-loop transfer function block diagram of the system is reconstructed to separate the damping of each path, and the damping of SSO mode is quantitatively evaluated using the concept of damping coefficient in the Heffron-Phillips-like model, thereby achieving the purpose of analyzing the influence of sub-synchronous interaction on SSO stability. For example, in the case of the direct drive wind farm integrated with the LCC-HVDC system, the path-damping characteristics of LCC-HVDC DC-link inductor dominated SSO mode are searched, and the influence of controller parameters on path damping is analyzed. The results show that the sub-synchronous interaction between LCC-HVDC and direct-driven wind farm mainly provides negative damping in the DC-link inductor SSO mode, which is not conducive to the stability of the system. The controller parameters obviously affect the path-damping characteristics. By analyzing the influence of the system parameters on the path damping, the main influence links of the sub-synchronous interaction can be obtained, and relevant measures can be taken to suppress SSO better. The conclusions can guide the design of controller parameters in engineering practice.
Key wordsRenewable energy generation    LCC-HVDC    sub-synchronous interaction    damping path    damping reconstruction   
收稿日期: 2022-08-15     
PACS: TM712  
通讯作者: 王 义 男,1998年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为电力系统分析与控制。E-mail: wy15653653183@163.com   
作者简介: 高本锋 男,1981年,博士,副教授,研究方向为高压直流输电和电力系统次同步振荡。E-mail: gaobenfeng@126.com
高本锋, 王义, 范辉, 梁纪峰, 张建坡. 基于阻尼路径的新能源经LCC-HVDC送出系统次同步交互作用分析方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2023, 38(20): 5572-5589. Gao Benfeng, Wang Yi, Fan Hui, Liang Jifeng, Zhang Jianpo. A Sub-Synchronous Interaction Analysis Method of Renewable Energy Generations Integrated with LCC-HVDC System Based on Damping Path. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2023, 38(20): 5572-5589.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.221579          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2023/V38/I20/5572