Liang Likai1, 2, Han Xueshan1, Wang Yanling1, 2, Kong Lingyuan3
1. Shandong University Jinan 250061 China; 2. Shandong University (weihai) Weihai 264209 China; 3. Zaozhuang Power Supply Company Zaozhuang 277100 China
Abstract:In order to estimate value of transmission line loadability under operation condition, taking the system as a whole and considering the effect of parallel flow on the transmission line loadability in interconnected system, the dual-side resource equivalent model based on dual-port Norton equivalence is proposed. Based on state estimation in power system, equivalent parameter on-line tracking is realized. Furthermore, the analysis and calculation of online value on loadability of transmission line are implemented. The feasibility and effectiveness of the equivalent model and the method are confirmed by the analysis of the loadability of Shandong 220kV transmission line under operation.
梁立凯, 韩学山, 王艳玲, 孔令元. 输电线路载荷能力在线定值[J]. 电工技术学报, 2013, 28(2): 279-284.
Liang Likai, Han Xueshan, Wang Yanling, Kong Lingyuan. Online Valuation of Transmission Line Loadability. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013, 28(2): 279-284.
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