Abstract:In order to obtain the water friction loss and its influencing factors of rotor surface, a high-speed permanent magnet shielding motor was taken as the research object. Based on the fluid dynamics governing equations and the finite element volume method, through the reasonable setting of Fluent fluid simulation program, the air gap water friction loss and fluid field distribution of the motor was calculated at room temperature (25℃) and standard working conditions. According to the same principle of simulation design and the single variable principle, the influence law of rotor speed, shield roughness and air gap inlet flow velocity was studied and analyzed on the friction loss of water in the air gap. The results show that the water friction loss is proportional to the 2.88 power of the rotor speed. In the process of motor speed increased, the flow state of water has a great change that from uniform laminar flow to stable turbulence, and the normal Taylor vortices appear. The water friction loss increases with the increase of the roughness of the rotor shield. The increased value of friction loss caused by increasing the roughness of rotor shield is approximately twice of that caused by changing the roughness of stator shield under the same condition. And the surface roughness of rotor side has more influence on friction loss. The friction loss increases with the increase of flow velocity, and the loss almost increases linearly with the rotor speed. In order to simplify the calculation process and obtain a generally applicable formula for calculating water friction loss, four parameter models were established to study the influence of the coupling effect of rotational flow and axial flow on the friction coefficient. It is based on the original empirical formula of friction loss, the inlet velocity and rotor speed are represented by dimensionless Reynolds number. By the simulation analysised of narrow-gap Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille (TCP) flow with radius ratio of 0.896 to 0.930, the relationship of loss coefficient with axial Reynolds number and rotational Reynolds number were drawn. The results show that under the premise of single variable, the friction loss coefficient increases with the increase of axial Reynolds number and decreases with the increase of rotational Reynolds number and radius ratio of stator to rotor. The empirical formula of friction loss coefficient for axial Reynolds number and rotational Reynolds number is obtained by nonlinear fitting method. A model is established within this radius ratio, and the simulation results are compared with the empirical prediction formula results, the error is only 1.3%. To verify the accuracy of numerical calculation ,the test platform was built to realize the rotating motion of the test prototype driven by the motor, the runner inlet and outlet was set up and coupling transmission loss and bearing friction loss was ignored. Base on power conservation criterion of motor , two sets of prototypes were designed for experimental study. The friction loss measured by the test was compared with that obtained by the simulation, and the error was within 5%, which met the engineering requirements.
张文校, 胡岩, 曹力, 卓亮, 刘爱民. 高速永磁屏蔽电机摩擦损耗分析与计算[J]. 电工技术学报, 0, (): 14-14.
Zhang Wenxiao, Hu Yan, Cao Li, Zhuo Liang, Liu Aimin. Analysis and Calculation of Friction Loss of High-speed Permanent Magnetic Shielding Motor. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 14-14.
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