Abstract:In this paper, a voltage feedback flux weakening control method based on active disturbance rejection control(ADRC) is proposed to solve the problem that the voltage feedback flux weakening control using pure integrator will oscillate or even lose control when the flux weakening degree is deep. By establishing the small signal time domain model of the voltage loop, the active disturbance rejection voltage controller is designed, the selection principle of the controller parameters is given, and the stability is analyzed by using the describing function method. This method does not rely on the accurate model of the controlled object, and has strong robustness. It can effectively observe and compensate the nonlinear and other disturbance factors in the system, and effectively deal with linear and nonlinear control objects. The experimental results show that compared with the pure integrator method, the proposed method has stronger load capacity and better stability when the flux weakening depth is deeper.
李思毅, 苏健勇, 杨贵杰. 基于自抗扰控制的永磁同步电机弱磁控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2022, 37(23): 6135-6144.
Li Siyi, Su Jianyong, Yang Guijie. Flux Weakening Control Strategy of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Active Disturbance Rejection Control. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2022, 37(23): 6135-6144.
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