Abstract:The optical data of a natural lightning stroke of wind turbine is analyzed in Zhangbei wind farm. There are seven return strokes and two main lightning channels. The first three return strokes and the last four return strokes are carried out in different lightning channels. There are many attempted leaders between the return strokes, and all the leaders before the return stroke are dart leaders without branches. The average 2-D development speed of the leader is 106m/s and above. The average development speed of the leader before the fifth return stroke is more than 1.10×107m/s. The slowest development speed of the leader before the sixth return stroke was 2.62×106m/s. The total relative emission of the fourth return stroke was the largest, and the third was the smallest. There is a significant linear positive correlation between the total relative luminescence of each return stroke and the cut-off time with the change of the return stroke order. The total relative luminescence of each return stroke and the average development speed of the leader before the return stroke show an opposite development trend.
蔡力, 柯逸丰, 李进, 周蜜, 王建国. 基于高速摄像观测的风电场雷击风机发展过程和特性分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(zk1): 303-310.
Cai Li, Ke Yifeng, Li Jin, Zhou Mi, Wang Jianguo. Development Process and Characteristic Analysis of the Natural Lightning Strike on Wind Turbine Based on High-Speed Camera Observation. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021, 36(zk1): 303-310.
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