Abstract:The electromagnet uses electromagnetic force to make mechanical work to transform electrical energy into mechanical energy, and the optimization of its structural parameters is very important. In this paper, a modeling method of Ansys Maxwell and ADAMS joint simulation was proposed based on a double stroke solenoid electromagnet. First, the static suction formula was calculated by analytic method, which provided the basis for the design of parameters. Then, the three-dimensional model of the double stroke electromagnet was established in the Maxwell finite element software to get the static characteristics. By coupling voltage balance equation and the Darren Bell motion equation, the dynamic suction displacement curve was obtained with the energy increment method. Thirdly, by constructing the ADAMS mechanical model and introducing the dynamic suction to the model, displacement time curve was simulated. Within 5% error compared with the experimental results, the reliability of the joint simulation between Ansys Maxwell and ADAMS is verified and a new method is proposed for the dynamic analysis and structural parameters optimization of the electromagnet.
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