电工技术学报  2018, Vol. 33 Issue (20): 4771-4779    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.170858
电力电子 |
吴琨, 钱挺, 王浩
同济大学电气工程系 上海 201804
A Novel Fixed Switching Frequency Active-Clamp Forward Dual Resonant Converter with Regulation Capability of Output Voltage
Wu Kun, Qian Ting, Wang Hao
Department of Electrical Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 201804 China
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摘要 提出一种开关频率固定的输出可调型有源钳位正激双向谐振变换器。不同于传统有源钳位技术,该变换器中的单个有源钳位电路为两个变压器去磁,以简化电路结构,并提供谐振回路实现能量反向传递。同时,输入串联输出并联结构可分担输入电压,减轻单个器件电压应力。采用交错并联PWM的控制策略,以减小输入电流纹波。该变换器开关频率固定,可避免传统调频方式中存在的磁性元件、同步整流驱动设计困难等问题,且具有一定的输出电压调节能力。此外,利用谐振原理,该变换器可实现开关管的零电压开通以及二极管的零电流开关,提升变换效率。详细分析开关频率固定的输出可调型有源钳位正激双向谐振变换器的工作原理以及稳态特性,最后搭建了一台43~53V输入、24V/1.8A输出的实验样机,实验结果验证了理论分析的正确性。
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关键词 有源钳位谐振变换器开关频率固定输入串联输出并联软开关    
Abstract:A novel fixed switching frequency active-clamp forward dual resonant converter with regulation capacity of output voltage is proposed in this paper. Different from the traditional active-clamp technique, single active-clamp circuit in the converter demagnetizes two transformers to simplify the circuit structure, and also serves as another resonant tank for energy transmission. Meanwhile, The series-input structure distributes the input voltage, hence the switch voltage stress is reduced significantly. The interleaved PWM control strategy adopted in the proposed converter can reduce the input current ripple, and the implementation problems in the traditional frequency modulation, such as synchronous rectifier driving logic or magnetic components optimization can be avoided. Additionally, with the resonance principle, soft-switching can be achieved for the primary switches and the diodes. Thus, there is no reverse recovery loss in the diodes, which improves the efficiency. The operating principles is discussed in detail in this paper. Finally, a prototype sample with 43~53V input and 24V/1.8A output is implemented and the experimental results verify the correction of the theoretical analysis.
Key wordsActive-clamp    resonant converter    fixed switching frequency    input-series output- parallel    soft-switching   
收稿日期: 2017-06-15      出版日期: 2018-10-30
PACS: TM46  
作者简介: 吴 琨 男,1992年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为直流功率变换器的拓扑结构、谐振软开关技术以及高增益方案。E-mail: 1531580@tongji.edu.cn; 钱 挺 男,1977年生,博士,教授,研究方向为功率变换器的电路拓扑和控制方法、新能源转换与控制技术等。E-mail: tqian@tongji.edu.cn(通信作者)
吴琨, 钱挺, 王浩. 一种开关频率固定的输出可调型有源钳位正激双向谐振变换器[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(20): 4771-4779. Wu Kun, Qian Ting, Wang Hao. A Novel Fixed Switching Frequency Active-Clamp Forward Dual Resonant Converter with Regulation Capability of Output Voltage. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2018, 33(20): 4771-4779.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.170858          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2018/V33/I20/4771