An Electric-Field Coupled Power Transfer System with Constant Voltage Output Based on T-Π Mixed Resonant Circuit
Su Yugang1,2, Xie Shiyun2, Tang Chunsen2, Chen Long2, Wu Xueying2
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400030 China;; 2. Automation College Chongqing University Chongqing 400030 China
Abstract:Electric-field coupled power transfer (ECPT) systems employ high frequency electric field as energy medium to transfer power wirelessly. In practical applications, a lot of electrical equipment requires a constant input voltage for stable operation. An ECPT system with a constant output voltage based on a T-Π mixed resonant circuit is proposed in this paper. The system output voltage is kept at constant regardless of variations in the load resistance without any extra detecting or regulating circuits. Meanwhile, a zero-phase-angel state can be maintained all the time. The constant-current characteristic in T-LCL circuit and constant-voltage characteristic in Π-CLC are analyzed. Moreover, the total harmonic distortion of the system, the parameter sensitivity and allowable load variation are investigated. On this basis, a configure approach for the resonant circuits and a parameter design method for the system are presented. Finally, the transfer characteristics and the design method were validated by simulations and experiments.
苏玉刚, 谢诗云, 唐春森, 陈龙, 吴学颖. 基于T-Π复合谐振网络的恒压型电场耦合无线电能传输系统[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(8): 1685-1695.
Su Yugang, Xie Shiyun, Tang Chunsen, Chen Long, Wu Xueying. An Electric-Field Coupled Power Transfer System with Constant Voltage Output Based on T-Π Mixed Resonant Circuit. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2018, 33(8): 1685-1695.
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