Initial Position Detection of Permanent Magnet Motor Based on Virtual Pulsating High-FrequencyInjection Method
Lü Xiaoyuan1,2,3, Liu Gang1,2,3, Mao Kun1,2,3, Chen Baodong1,2,3
1. Science and Technology on Inertial Laboratory Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing 100191 China; 2. Key Laboratory of national defense of new inertial instrument and navigation technology Beijing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsBeijing 100191 China; 3. Beijing Engineering Research Center of High-Speed Magnetically Suspended Motor Technology and Application Beijing 100191 China
Abstract:Nowadays, the sensorless position detection method of permanent magnet synchronous are mainly divided into two types: one is based on the fundamental wave detection; the other is based on the saliency effects.This paper is mainly based on the saliency effects. It analyses the traditional high-frequency pulsating injection methodandimproves traditional method by adding a virtual high-frequency rotating coordinate. A position detection method of permanent magnet synchronous motor based on virtual pulse high frequency injection is proposed.Compared with traditional pulsating high-frequency injection method,this method does not require PI regulator,which can be achieved by project easily.At the same time,this method solves part of zero-corssing problems of traditional pulsating injection method. The method is verified by simulation and experimental test.
吕晓源, 刘刚, 毛琨, 陈宝栋. 基于虚拟脉振高频注入法的永磁电机初始位置检测[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(23): 34-41.
Lü Xiaoyuan, Liu Gang, Mao Kun, Chen Baodong. Initial Position Detection of Permanent Magnet Motor Based on Virtual Pulsating High-FrequencyInjection Method. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(23): 34-41.
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