Abstract:In order to ensure high dynamic performance of whole system,high performance permanent magnet synchronous motor servo applications often require fast response current inner loop. However, conventional PI regulator is prone to overshoot and of poor dynamic characteristics. Take active disturbance rejection control technology replace the conventional PI control, more accurate control of current could be achieved. Based on regarding the electromotive force term and the voltage drop of stator resistance as internal disturbances, the other unknown factors as external disturbances, nonlinear active disturbance rejection controller (NLADRC) was designed. Compared with conventional PI regulator, NLADRC is able to compensate the disturbance in real time, so there is better disturbance rejection performance and current response. To avoid periodic oscillation of current loop, describing function method is used to analyze the stability for different NLADRC parameters. Finally, the validity of the proposed system are verified by simulation and experiments.
曾岳南, 曾祥彩, 周斌. 永磁同步电机传动系统电流环非线性自抗扰控制器的设计与稳定性分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(17): 135-143.
Zeng Yuenan, Zeng Xiangcai, Zhou Bin. Nonlinear Active Disturbance Rejection Controller Design for Current Loop of PMSM Drive System and Its Stability Analysis. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(17): 135-143.
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