The Development of Solid-State Nanosecond Pulsed Plasma Jet Apparatus Based on Marx Structure
Dong Shoulong1, Yao Chenguo1, Yang Nan1, 2, Zhao Yajun1, Wang Changjin1
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400030 China;; 2. Nanjing Operation and Maintenance Division Maintenance Branch of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company Nanjing 210008 China
Abstract:A nanosecond-pulse power generator apparatus is developed, which consists of a nanosecond pulse generator with chopping switch based on Marx circuit and a needle-ring structure electrode. The pulse generator is composed of DC power, control circuit and main circuit. The main circuit has 10 stages. Two MOSFETs are used as the main switch and chopping switch respectively in each stage. The control circuit can generate trigger pulse signals to drive MOSFET work by fiber-optic isolation. The generator can produce repetitive pulses. Herein, the range of output voltage is 0~8kV, pulse width is 100~1 000ns, pulse repetition frequency is 1Hz~1kHz, rise time is less than 30ns and fall time is less than 50ns. In the plasma jets, needle-ring electrode structure is adopted, and the working gas is argon device. Plasma jets experiment platform is also developed, which can sustain stable atmospheric pressure plasma jets.
董守龙, 姚陈果, 杨楠, 赵亚军, 王昌金. 基于Marx电路的全固态纳秒脉冲等离子体射流装置的研制[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(24): 35-44.
Dong Shoulong, Yao Chenguo, Yang Nan, Zhao Yajun, Wang Changjin. The Development of Solid-State Nanosecond Pulsed Plasma Jet Apparatus Based on Marx Structure. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(24): 35-44.
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