电工技术学报  2016, Vol. 31 Issue (6): 21-29    DOI:
电机及其控制 |
梁艳萍, 燕秀龙, 于鸿浩
哈尔滨理工大学电气与电子工程学院 哈尔滨 150080
Analysis and Calculation of Magnetic Field and Structure Loss in End Region of Generator-Motor for Pumped Storage Power Station
Liang Yanping, Yan Xiulong, Yu Honghao
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin 150080 China
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摘要 发电电动机是抽水蓄能机组的关键设备,机组频繁的变工况运行提高了对发电电动机端部绕组和结构件的电磁、机械性能要求,增加了其设计难度。准确计算其端部磁场及结构件损耗是绕组和结构件设计的前提,也是预判机组能否稳定运行的依据。针对抽水蓄能机组发电电动机整机数值分析困难的现状,提出2D-3D耦合、运动-电磁耦合的时步有限元法,并以一台280MW抽水蓄能发电电动机为例进行了端部磁场及结构件损耗的计算分析。首先采用2D运动-电磁耦合时步有限元法,结合运行工况的端点迭代法求取发电电动机工作点,并将计算结果与实测值进行对比。在此基础上,建立发电电动机端部2D-3D耦合、运动-电磁耦合时步有限元模型,将2D计算结果作为约束条件,计算分析了额定发电和额定电动工况下发电电动机端部磁场及结构件损耗的分布规律,并进一步讨论端部结构参数变化对端部结构件中涡流损耗的影响,为抽水蓄能发电电动机端部绕组及结构件的设计提供了理论依据。
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关键词 发电电动机 端部磁场 涡流损耗 数值分析    
Abstract:Generator-motor is the key equipment of pumped storage unit. The running condition changes of the unit increase the requirements of end winding motor and electromagnetic properties and raise the difficulty of design. An accurate calculation on the unit magnetic field and the end structure loss is the basis of end winding and structure design, and also is the foundation to judge whether the unit is in stable operation. Due to the difficulties in numerical analysis with complete pumped storage units power motor machine, time step finite element method (FEM) with 2D and 3D coupling, electromagnetic and movement coupling is used in this paper. A 280MW pumped storage machine is taken as an example, and the end region magnetic field and the structural loss are calculated. First the finite element method of two dimensional motion-electromagnetic coupling is adopted. Then the motor working point is obtained combined with the operation condition of terminal iterative method, and the calculation results are compared with the measured value. Accordingly, the end model of time step finite element method with 2D and 3D coupling, electromagnetic and movement coupling is established. Taken the calculation results of 2D as the constraint conditions, the distributions of the end region magnetic field and the structure loss are calculated under rated generator condition and rated motor condition respectively. The influence of the eddy current loss with the end structural parameter change is further discussed. This paper provides a theoretical basis for pumped storage motor end winding and structure design.
Key wordsGenerator-motor    end region magnetic field    eddy current loss    numerical analysis   
收稿日期: 2014-08-18      出版日期: 2016-04-01
PACS: TM312  
通讯作者: 梁艳萍 女,1963 年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为电机电磁理论与电磁设计、交流电机故障分析与动态模拟、大型发电设备机电能量转换机理与电磁场分析与计算。E-mail: lyanping2012@163.com   
作者简介: 燕秀龙 男,1989 年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为电机电磁场数值计算。E-mail: yanxiulong1989@126.com
梁艳萍, 燕秀龙, 于鸿浩. 抽水蓄能电站发电电动机端部磁场及结构件损耗分析计算[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(6): 21-29. Liang Yanping, Yan Xiulong, Yu Honghao. Analysis and Calculation of Magnetic Field and Structure Loss in End Region of Generator-Motor for Pumped Storage Power Station. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(6): 21-29.