Interface Method and Implementation for Asymmetric Fault Simulation on Parallel Computer/RTDS-Based Hybrid Simulator
Ou Kaijian1, 2, Zhang Shuqing3, Tong Luyuan3, Hu Yun2, Cai Zexiang1, Guan Lin1
1. School of Electric Power South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China; 2. Electric Power Research Institute CSG Guangzhou 510080 China; 3. Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China
Abstract:Based on the SMRT (simulation mixed real-time) including parallel computer and RTDS electromagnetic transient/electromechanical transient hybrid real-time simulation platform, this paper presents a three sequence current injection method in the hybrid real-time simulation interface for dealing with the asymmetric faults. Furthermore, the automatic calibration method for the three sequence initial power at the electromagnetic transient side is also presented. Thus, all the three sequence currents and voltages could be exchanged between electromagnetic transient simulation and electromechanical transient simulation. As a result, the asymmetric fault simulation function is realized in the SMRT hybrid real-time simulation platform. It is shown that the simulation results of SMRT hybrid real-time simulation platform are similar to those of RTDS.
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