1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China 2.State Grid Fushun Electric Power Supply Company Fushun 113000 China
Abstract:In order to solve the problem of oscillation caused by the MOSFET output capacitance in the after flow stage of the CLLLC resonant converter,based on the analysis of the effect caused by the output capacitance on the operation principle and the working characteristics,an optimized design method is proposed to maintain soft-switching and alleviate oscillation.In addition,this paper uses hysteresis burst-mode control to solve the problem of the high output voltage at light load condition,which is caused by the output capacitance.This control scheme can regulate the output voltage to the rated value,and reduce the losses at light load condition.Finally,a prototype with 400 V/48 V DC buses and 1 kW power rating is built.The experimental results verify the performance of the proposed design method and control scheme.
陈启超,纪延超,王建赜,潘延林,马 冲. MOSFET输出电容对CLLLC谐振变换器特性影响分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(17): 26-35.
Chen Qichao,Ji Yanchao,Wang Jianze,Pan Yanlin,Ma Chong. Analysis of the Influence of MOSFET Output Capacitance on the Bidirectional CLLLC Resonant Converter. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(17): 26-35.
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