Abstract:According to the structure and operation characteristics of the overhead contact systems(OCS) of high speed railway, a new system reliability analysis method called the GO-FLOW (goal oriented-FLOW) methodology is applied in the reliability assessment of OCS of high speed railway. According to the structure of OCS, the GO-FLOW model of reliability of the OCS in high speed railway is built, and the reliability of OCS is calculated by analyzing the reliability model, effects of considering failure rate of parts on reliability were observed. Analysis result indicates that calculation results based on the GO-FLOW methodology are more close to the actual situation than GO (goal oriented) methodology. Because it takes into account the failure rate of components in the analysis of the reliability of the operating system. And the calculation of GO-FLOW methodology is more simple and effective. So it is an effective method of analyzing the reliability of temporal and state dynamic system.
赵峰,梁丽,王思华. 基于GO-FLOW法的高速铁路接触网系统可靠性分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(12): 351-356.
Zhao Feng,Liang Li,Wang Sihua. A Reliability Evaluation of High Speed Railway Overhead Contact Systems Based on the GO-FLOW Methodology. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(12): 351-356.
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