A Review of the Development of Wave Power System and the Research on Direct-Drive Wave Power System
Xiao Xi1, Bai Nianzong1, Kang Qing2, Nie Zangxiang1, Huang Xuanrui1
1.State Key Lab of Control and Simulation of Power System and Generation Equipments, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 China;
2.Institution of Telecommunication Satellite China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094 China
This paper discusses the historical and recent development of wave energy utilization, and compares the characteristics of different wave power take-offs(PTOs), such as hydraulic, pneumatic, gear-box and direct-drive PTOs, which are classified by the form of energy transformation. Furthermore, it is particularly focused on the direct-drive PTO which has great potential in offshore high-power grid-connecting application, on analyzing its structures and the control schemes of optimizing power capture, on summarizing and comparing the linear generators and different control schemes of power optimizing. It is also described and analyzed that the processing schemes of the power fluctuation of direct-drive wave power, according to the control requirements of the grid. In addition, this paper concludes with application prospects and future developments of wave power, especially the direct-drive system.
肖曦, 摆念宗, 康庆, 聂赞相, 黄宣睿. 波浪发电系统发展及直驱式波浪发电系统研究综述[J]. 电工技术学报, 2014, 29(3): 1-11.
Xiao Xi, Bai Nianzong, Kang Qing, Nie Zangxiang, Huang Xuanrui. A Review of the Development of Wave Power System and the Research on Direct-Drive Wave Power System. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2014, 29(3): 1-11.
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