Abstract:In this paper, a aging test is designed, in which the insulating papers with the initial moisture contents of 1%, 3%, 5% were aged in transformer oil at 110℃ and 130℃ respectively. The influences of the different initial moisture contents on the oil-paper insulation thermal aging rate are studied systematically. This paper also analyes the variation trends of some aging indicators including degree of polymerization of insulation paper, water content in paper, and water, furfural, acid content in oil during the aging process. The results indicate that, water can accelerate thermal aging rate of the oil-paper insulation, and the lower the temperature the greater the impact factor of water content to accelerate aging. The water content in both oil and paper are fluctuant during the aging process, the fluctuation amplitude in oil and paper have a good positive correlation, and the relationship is related to the initial moisture content. Water can affect the proliferation and the distribution ratio of the aging characteristic products such as furfural and acid in the oil-paper system. Therefore, to make the assessment insulation state and insulation damp effect more accurate, this paper suggests that the global relationship of the fluctuations trend between oil and paper water content and the fluctuation amplitude should be take into consideration, as well as the impact of water when using the traditional characteristic parameters such as furfural, acid in oil to assess the oil-paper insulation state and fault diagnosis.
廖瑞金, 孙会刚, 尹建国, 巩晶, 杨丽君, 张镱议. 水分对油纸绝缘热老化速率及热老化特征参量的影响[J]. 电工技术学报, 2012, 27(5): 34-42.
Liao Ruijin, Sun Huigang, Yin Jianguo, Gong Jing, Yang Lijun, Zhang Yiyi. Influence on the Thermal Aging Rate and Thermal Aging Characteristics Caused by Water Content of Oil-Paper Insulation. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2012, 27(5): 34-42.
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