Abstract:The traditional single stage inverters with boost capability are based on output series of DC-DC converters. The boost capacity and efficiency shortage exist widespreadly in this kind of inverters. In this paper a novel output-parallel dual boost inverter is proposed. Opposite to the output series modes the inverter has no direct-current bias and the current flows through less power components when working. When the output voltage is higher than the input voltage only one boost circuit works. The inverter has certain superiority in the boost ability and the efficiency. This paper analyzes the working modes of the inverter and gives out the voltage and current double closed loop control strategy. Simulation and experimental results have verified the analysis above.
欧阳静, 洪峰, 王成华, 黄银汉. 一种新型输出并联型双Boost逆变器[J]. 电工技术学报, 2011, 26(1增): 130-135.
Ou Yangjing, Hong Feng, Wang Chenghua, Huang Yinhan. Research on a Novel Output-Parallel Dual-Boost Inverter. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2011, 26(1增): 130-135.
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