Abstract:Based on predictive control,a new rolling dispatch model for wind power integrated power system was proposed. The power output from thermal units and wind farms were treated as a series of system states,and the adjustment power output of thermal units as the system inputs. The state space theory,by which the traditional objective function and constraints can be transformed into matrix forms,was used to describe the relationship between system states and inputs. The multiple power units and predictions optimization problem can be described by a series of matrixes,according the above transformation. With the objective matrix simplification and incremental matrix derivation,the original model was converted into a standard quadratic programming problem,which can be easily solved by interior point method. Finally,the stability of rolling dispatch was discussed. The numerical examples show that the proposed model has less total running cost than the traditional single-time optimization,and the rolling schedules are more proactive.
刘立阳,吴军基,孟绍良. 基于预测控制的含风电滚动优化调度[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(17): 75-83.
Liu Liyang,Wu Junji,Meng Shaoliang. A Rolling Dispatch Model for Wind Power Integrated Power System Based on Predictive Control. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(17): 75-83.
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