Wide Area Protection Based on Genetic Information Fusion Technology |
Wang Yang, Yin Xianggen, Zhang Zhe, Liu Jian, He Zhiqin |
Electric Power Security and High Efficiency Lab Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract Information collection on large range of wide area protection and extreme disaster should cause the fault and lack of the wide area information easily, and even the communication channel damage. The completeness of information influences the performance of protection directly. Owing to the fact that the less consideration of incomplete information for wide area protection, starting from theory of information fusion, this paper puts forwards a working mode of wide area protection with high fault-tolerance capability. Combined with the principle of wide area protection based on fault direction, the genetic algorithm information fusion can identify and correct the wide area bad data by using the redundant power network information. A fusion mathematical model based on the genetic algorithm is developed. The simulation results verify the validity of the model proposed.
Received: 06 January 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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