Optimal Reactive Power Compensation for Medium and Low Voltage Distribution Network Considering Multiple Load Levels |
Hu Zechun1, Zhong Mingming1, Wang Jiaxian1, Ge Changhong1, Zhou Qian2 |
1. Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai 200240 China 2. Jiangsu Electric Power Research Institute Company Limited Nanjing 211102 China |
Abstract A mathematical formulation considering both medium and low voltage optimal reactive power compensations is built for the distribution networks. A solution method based on genetic algorithm is then proposed. The formulation and the solution method can deal with multiple load levels. The capacitor sizes and their number of banks are optimized simultaneously. In order to evaluate configurations of the compensating capacitors, a procedure to simulate the switching on/off of each capacitor is designed. The candidate places for compensation are selected based on sensitivity analysis and the loss reduction index of per unit investment. The searching space of the proposed method is greatly reduced by choosing effective candidate places first. Numerical tests show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Received: 11 November 2008
Published: 04 March 2014
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