A Model Predictive Current Control Method Without Weighting Factors for Eight-Switch Three-Phase Inverter |
Cheng Shu, Ouyang Zekeng, Zhang Lulin, Li Zhuoxin, Xiang Chaoqun |
School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering Central South University Changsha 410075 China |
Abstract For the eight-switch three-phase inverter (ESTPI), this paper proposes a predictive current control method without weighting factors to suppress DC-link capacitor voltage fluctuation. First, on the basis of the neutral-point-clamped (NPC) three-level inverter, it analyses the topology and mathematical model of ESTPI. And at the same time it analyses the cause of the capacitor voltage fluctuation and establishes the mathematical model. Then, it uses the mathematical model of inductive load to predict the current. For the stability of the system after fault-tolerant control, the cost function of conventional model predictive control method is set up to supress the fluctuation and control the current. In order to eliminate the weighting factor, the cost function without weighting factors is analyses and proposed. Taking into account of application in practice, the delay is compensated. On the foundation of the conventional model of predictive control and mathematical model referred above, the new model of the proposed method is established. Finally, the proposed control algorithm is verified by the simulation.
Received: 20 June 2020
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