Abstract Due to the defects in the applications of normal IGBT, a new power semiconductor device based on five layers four ends structure of the bidirectional IGBT is put forward. Its main part is a plane gate of the IGBT, used the strategy based on symmetry structure and two ways input control of the bidirectional IGBT, and the purposes based on bidirectional control is attained. Their principles is analyzed in detail, it is first deduces the theoretic model and control strategy of the bidirectional IGBT, then establishes and proofed the experimental circuit of the bidirectional IGBT, studies the footprints of the bidirectional IGBT in the end. Theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate the functions base on dual turn-on and dual turn-off of the bidirectional IGBT are good, the dual turn-off plan raised, not only reduces the tails of current effectively, but also can improve operating frequency of the bidirectional IGBT.
Received: 21 May 2008
Published: 17 February 2014
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