Closed-Loop Control of Neutral-Point Voltage Balance Based on the Optimized Virtual Space Vector for Three-Level Inverter |
Fan Bo1,Zhao Weigang1,2,Liu Gang1,Xie Dongdong1 |
1. Henan University of Science and Technology Luoyang 471023 China; 2. Citic Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Luoyang 471039 China |
Abstract With the analysis of the problems caused by the diode-clamped inverter’s neutral-point voltage unbalance, including DC capacitor voltage oscillation, power device voltage stress increasing, and output voltage harmonic, a scheme on the closed-loop control of neutral-point voltage balance based on optimized virtual space vector for three-level inverter is proposed in this paper. The model of nearest three virtual-space-vector involved the optimization factors is built to synthesize the reference space vector, which is optimized by the neutral-point voltage real-time feedback to reduce the output voltage harmonic and distortion. The amount of unbalance of neutral-point voltage is introduced to calculate the compensation amount of each optimization in virtual space vector time. Also the online estimation of the load displacement angle is adopted to realize the closed-loop control. The simulation and experimental results show that this scheme has better performance on controlling the neutral-point voltage for multi-level inverters and can reduce the fluctuation of DC-link capacitor effectively.
Received: 12 April 2013
Published: 13 April 2015
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