Visible Simulation and Emulation for Characteristics of Electromagnetic Field of Coaxial Cable Wave-Guide |
An Aimin, Zhang Aihua, Zhang Haochen,, |
Lanzhou University of Technology Lanzhou 730050 China |
Abstract In this paper, the main mode of transverse of electromagnetic(TEM) of the coaxial waveguide, the distribution characteristics of electric and magnetic field inside the coaxial cable are analyzed. According to the wave equation, the scientific calculation and simulation platform based on C++ programming language environment are introduced. The visualization simulation in the form of three-dimensional space distribution of TEM model of coaxial waveguide is done, the dynamic transmission process of the internal electric field and the magnetic field is shown vividly, the formula and the abstract concept of the field of electromagnetic are visualized, the spatial variation of TEM die is directly reflected in the interface, which not only can deepen the concept of electromagnetic theory of coaxial cable in the waveguide effect of understanding, but analyze distribution of charge and dielectric parameters on the electric field and magnetic field of coaxial waveguide qualitatively and quantitatively. It can help the students understand the distribution characteristics and the theory of electromagnetic field coaxial waveguide in the teaching process, the efficiency of learning can be improved.
Received: 11 October 2013
Published: 22 May 2014
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