A Fuzzy Nonlinear PID Control of Voice Coil Motor Used in Direct Drive Valve |
Wang Dayu, Guo Hong, Liu Zhi, Zhang Lijia |
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing 100191 China |
Abstract The hydrodynamic force disturbances in direct drive valve based on voice coil motor (VCM-DDV) have greater impact on system performance. There are some weaknesses in classic Proportion integration differentiation(PID)control. In this paper, a mathematical model of the VCM-DDV is established. A double-closed loop control structure composed of position loop and current loop is presented. A novel nonlinear PID (NLPID) control strategy is applied in position loop. Fuzzy control is used to achieve self-tuning of control parameters. The design method of NLPID controller in position loop is presented in detail. Simulation and experimental results show the control strategy has a better anti-interference and robustness, superior stability and dynamic performance than classic PID and fuzzy PID in the same disturbance.
Received: 04 November 2009
Published: 07 March 2014
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