A New UHF Sensor for Spatial Location of Partial Discharge Sources |
Ye Haifeng1, Qian Yong1, Liu Zongjie2, Sheng Gehao1, Jiang Xiuchen1 |
1. Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai 200240 China; 2. Shandong Jining Power Supply Company Jining 272100 China |
Abstract Partial discharge(PD) source location using an array of ultra-high frequency(UHF) sensors significantly improves the maintenance efficiency of power equipment. This paper studies the performance requirements of the UHF sensors for spatial location and designs a new type of UHF sensor with a spherical cone structure based on the monopole antenna theory and meander technique. This paper provides systematic analysis on the sensor performance by simulation and test. It also discusses the factors influencing the sensor performance. The positioning performance of the array of the sensors was verified on the PD detection and location platform set up in our laboratory. The test results show that the meander technique helps develop compact sensors. The sensors developed in this paper can be used in the bandwidth range of 500~2 000 MHz and have advantages such as a low standing wave ratio, omni-directional measurement, high sensitivity, and almost constant group delay. The positioning system based on UHF sensor arrays can be used for accurate PD source location with an azimuth error of less than 2 degrees, thereby meeting the requirements for spatial location of PD sources.
Received: 22 April 2013
Published: 25 May 2015
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