Abstract Load model is a key element to power grid stability analysis. It is one of the significant bases for power system simulation analysis and calculation. If the next day’s load model of maximum and minimum load can be predicted, it would provide more credible reference information for dispatching department to make operation mode and decisions. Through the influence factors analysis of load model, the parameters of static ZIP load model are predicted by the method of load forecasting of artificial neural network(ANN). The sensitivity analysis between load model parameters and load value helps to control the relation and influence of them and find the way to reduce the error. The case based on active power load model of minimum load proposed in this paper shows the feasibility of the method and the nice application effect of the forecasted load model.
Li Long,Wei Jing,Li Canbing等. Prediction of Load Model Based on Artificial Neural Network[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(8): 225-230.
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