Multi-Agent System Based Decentralized Coordinated Control Strategy for Micro-grids |
Dou Chunxia, Li Na, Xu Xiaolong |
Institute of Electrical Engineering Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China |
Abstract For the dynamic stability of the micro-grid in the case of the outside disturbance,this paper proposes a decentralized coordinated control strategy for the micro-grid based on the multi-agent system.The multi-agent system has two levels.In the lower level agents,the decentralized control of the distributed power generation unit is designed as a double loop controller,including an outer power controller based on the droop characteristic and the fractional order PID inner voltage and current controllers.In the upper level agents,the coordinated controller of the micro-grid system is designed as the H∞ robust controller.The mode of the coordinated controller is determined by the voltage stability,so this paper proposes the voltage stability risk index.When the micro-grid suffers slight disturbances,the voltage stability risk index is in the safety threshold,and the decentralized control is used to maintain the voltage stability of the system alone.When a severe disturbance occurs,the voltage stability risk index is out of the safety threshold,and the coordinated control starts and operates together with the decentralized control to maintain the voltage stability of the system.Finally,simulation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the control scheme.
Received: 10 December 2014
Published: 25 May 2015
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