A Auto-disturbance Rejection Controller of Multi-HVDC |
Li Congshan1, Liu Tianqi1, Liu Libing1, Li Xingyuan1, Li Wenfeng2 |
1.Electrical Engineering and Information College of Sichuan University Chengdu 610065 China; 2.State Grid Electric Power Company of Henan Province Economic and Technology Research Institute Zhengzhou 450052 China |
Abstract The auto-disturbance rejection control(ADRC) technique is applied to the multi-HVDC system’s supplementary control to improve the damping level of system.Firstly,the best place of the control system is found using the disturbance test method.Then the total least squares estimation of the rotational invariance technique (TLS-ESPRIT) is used to identify the mathematical model of the system.Based on the singular value reduction theory,the system has been reduced to the two-dimensional low order system and transformed into a state space form.The ADRC supplementary damping controller for HVDC system’s low frequency oscillation is then designed.Because ARDC technique can estimate the disturbance of the system in real-time,which can also be compensated to the control system in real time,the controller has better anti disturbance ability than the existing conventional controller.A system with three HVDC and three generators is used as an example for the time domain simulation.The results show that the robustness of the ADRC controller for HVDC is higher than that of the traditional PID controller.
Received: 15 November 2014
Published: 25 May 2015
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