Research on Discharge Peak Power Prediction of Battery Based on ANFIS and Subtraction Clustering |
Sun Bingxiang1,Gao Ke1,Jiang Jiuchun1,Luo Min2,He Tingting1,Zheng Fangdan1,Guo Hongyu3 |
1. National Active Distribution Network Technology Research Center Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China; 2. Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Corp. Guangzhou 510080 China; 3. Huizhou Epower Electronics CO., LTD Huizhou 516006 China |
Abstract Short-term peak power prediction of power battery is essential for practical use. In this paper, the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system(ANFIS) model is used to estimate the discharge peak power based on first order Sugeno fuzzy inference system. Temperature, SOC and ohmic resistance are selected as the inputs and 10-seconds pulse discharge peak power as the output. The training data pairs are obtained by the combination of measurements and curve fitting. Mesh generation and subtraction clustering methods are used to generate fuzzy sets. BP neural network and hybrid training methods are used to train the model based on 305 pairs of data. It found that the number of fuzzy rules is significantly reduced by using fuzzy clustering method to generate subtraction structure, the convergence rate is improved and the complexity of the model is reduced on the premise of meet the precision. Network learning by hybrid training method can strengthen the convergence ability and overcome the problem of local optimum by BP algorithm. Finally, 305 pairs of data is used to validate the model, the prediction is within 10%, ANFIS model can be well estimated the pulse peak power of the battery.
Received: 24 July 2014
Published: 13 April 2015
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