Synchronization Signal Extraction Method in Two-Phase Stationary Reference Frame for Eliminating Imbalance and Harmonic Effects |
Du Xiong,Wang Guoning,Sun Pengju,Zhou Luowei |
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology, Chongqing University, Shapingba District Chongqing 400030 China |
Abstract The three-phase grid-tied converters can be controlled either in the rotational reference frame or in the stationary reference frame. The grid synchronization signal needs to be extracted fast and accurately when either reference frame is employed. The sinusoidal amplitude integrator is employed to extract the grid synchronization signal in two-phase stationary reference frame for the control of three-phase grid-tied converters in the same reference frame in this paper. Through the vector description of three-phase voltage with harmonics and imbalance components, the grid synchronization method with multiple sinusoidal integrators is proposed. The presented method can eliminate the effects of harmonics and imbalance and extract the amplitude and phase information of the positive- sequence and negative-sequence components directly without the positive and negative sequence decomposition. The mathematical model is set up to show the mechanism of the presented synchronization method and determine the feedback parameter. A frequency adaptive method is designed to overcome the grid frequency variation. The theoretical and experimental results indicate that the presented synchronization method has the property of separate the positive-sequence and negative-sequence components for imbalance grid voltage with harmonics even under grid frequency variation condition.
Received: 25 April 2013
Published: 13 April 2015
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