Application of Improved Generalized Harmonic Wavelet Packet Decomposition and Chaos Oscillator to Fault Line Detection in Small Current Grounding System |
Zhang Shuqing,Ma Yue,Li Pan,Shi Rongyan,Jiang Wanlu,Dong Xuan |
the Key Lab of Measurement Technology and Instrumentation of Hebei Province Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China |
Abstract As the small current grounding system fails, the zero-sequence current of each line appears complicated characteristics of non-stationary and nonlinear. A small current grounding system fault line selection method based on improved generalized harmonic wavelet packet decomposition and chaos oscillator detection algorithm is given in this paper. Through spread spectrum, the generalized harmonic wavelet packet decomposition algorithm could extract features of any frequency band and arbitrary bandwidth signal with less calculation, realizing fast and anti-aliasing separation to signals. Duffing oscillator system is unaffected by noise and presents highly sensitive to external signals which have the same frequency as the internal driving force. By time-scale transformation, Duffing oscillator could be adapted to the detection of different frequency signals. The fault line could be accurately selected by observing the changes in the system’s phase diagram. Numerical simulation showes the reliability and accuracy of the algorithm.
Received: 19 December 2013
Published: 13 April 2015
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