Harmonics Performance Improvement and Fault Tolerant Control for Multiple-Channel Paralleled Inverter Fed PMSM Drives |
Wang Zheng,Chen Jian,Cheng Ming |
Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China |
Abstract This paper studies the strategies for harmonics performance improvement and fault tolerant control after the faulted phases are detected and removed. This phase-shifted chaotic SVPWM scheme is proposed. The current harmonics around some multiples of switching frequency in the electric machine are eliminated. Besides, the peaky harmonics around all multiples of switching frequency are spread in current spectrum with the chaotic switching frequencies, such that the peaky harmonics are further suppressed. For the faulty conditions of paralleled inverters, this paper proposes and compares three fault tolerant control strategies, namely the “direct compensation in normal channel”, “asymmetrical current compensation in normal channel”, and “equivalent current value compensation” methods. The experiments are given to verify the performance of the proposed harmonics performance improvement and fault tolerant control schemes in this paper.
Received: 20 August 2014
Published: 14 April 2015
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