Abstract This paper applies frequency domain parasitic capacitance method to calculate the Hertz bearing current density of variable frequency driven motor. The parasitic capacitances of the motor system are studied as the research object in this method. A 3kW variable frequency driven motor is studied as the research object in this paper and impedance characteristic of the parasitic capacitance is confirmed by the method of analysis. The impedance characteristic of the parasitic capacitance is also measured to by impedance analyzer check calculation results. According to variable frequency driven motor system coupling capacitance model the bearing current linear differential equation is formulated and solved by the linear expansion general approach. Consequently the electric discharge current is confirmed. The experiment method of measuring the bearing current is improved, and the experimental platform is built. The calculated result of the bearing current is conforming to the measurement value. This kind of bearing current density calculation method provides a theoretical basis for the quantitative evaluation of bearing damage.
Wang Yu,Bai Baodong,Liu Weifeng等. Hertz Bearing Current Density Calculation of Variable Frequency Driven Motors by Frequency Domain Parasitic Capacitance Method[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(2): 189-195.
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