Research of Three-Phase Four Legs Rectifier |
Wei Zheng, Chen Xin, Chen Jie, Li Chensong, Gong Chunying |
Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract The three-phase voltage mode PWM rectifier is widely used in the production for reducing the input current harmonic content and improving the power factor of system. On the base of traditional three-phase three leg rectifier, the three-phase four legs rectifier is obtained by introducing a forth leg. As one of the 3P4W topologies, the proposed three-phase four legs rectifier riches the topology of three-phase voltage mode PWM rectifier. If the appropriate control method could be chose for three-phase four legs rectifier, and the rectifier would have a more excellent work performance than the traditional three-phase three legs rectifier. The switch average period model of three-phase four legs rectifier is given in the paper by the way of average switch period, and the three-phase four legs rectifier can be decoupled to three single phase rectifiers. The shortage of SPWM(sinusoidal pulse width modulation) control strategy for three-phase four legs rectifier has been analyzed. The SAPWM (saddle pulse width modulation) control strategy is proposed to obtain a lower output voltage and improve the DC voltage utilization rate. Finally, simulation and experimental results of the system verified the theoretical analysis.
Received: 16 February 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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