Model for Predicting Thickness of Rime Accreted on Composite Insulators |
Zhang Zhijin1 , Huang Haizhou2 , Jiang Xingliang1 , Hu Jianlin1 , Sun Caixin1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China; 2. Wanzhou Electric Power Bureau of Chongqing Power Grid Wanzhou 404199 China |
Abstract Based on the Lagrange method, through numerically solution of flow field and droplet trajectories around composite insulator, the droplet collision coefficients on different regions of polymeric insulator are calculated. Meanwhile, the influences of wind speed and MVD(medium volume diameter) on droplet collision coefficients are analyzed. After the calculation of droplet collision coefficients of insulators, according to the principle of mass conservation and energy conservation, the model for predicting thickness of rime accretion on composite insulators is built and verified by artificial icing growth test. The numerical calculation and test results indicate that: The collision coefficient on windward rod and edge of windward shed are much larger than that on windward shed surface, and the collision coefficient on windward shed surface is twice the collision coefficient on leeward surface of composite insulator. The collision coefficient increases with the increase of wind velocity and MVD, and the influencing degree of MVD is bigger than that of wind velocity. It is found that when the thickness of rime on sheds is less than 8mm, this predicting model has a good accuracy and the relative error is less than 8%. When the thickness of rime on sheds is in the range of 10~14mm, the accuracy of this model become slightly worse and the relative error is in the range of 12%~15%.
Received: 28 July 2012
Published: 05 November 2014
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