Fault Diagnosis for Three-Level Inverter of CRH Based on Real-Time Waveform Analysis |
Chen Danjiang1,2 , Ye Yinzhong3 , Hua Rong3 |
1. Shanghai Maritime University Shanghai 200135 China; 2. Zhejiang Wanli University Ningbo 315100 China; 3. Shanghai Institute of Technology Shanghai 200235 China |
Abstract Multilevel inverters have widely applied in high-voltage and high-power applications. Therefore, fault diagnosis of such circuits is becoming more and more important. Diagnosis of single device open circuit fault for a three-level inverter is discussed in this paper. According to direction of the modulation voltage and corresponding phase current, working period of the inverter is divided into four working ranges. When the fault of device open circuit occurrs in different working range, the bridge voltage is analyzed in detail and three fault diagnosis criterions is proposed. Based on the bridge voltage level and its duration, a kind of circuit is designed to achieve automatic diagnosis for device open circuit fault. The experimental result shows that the method can isolate fault patterns proposed exactly and quickly.
Received: 21 March 2012
Published: 05 November 2014
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