Abstract Aiming at the multiple solutions problem within the existing analytic models for fault diagnosis of power grids, this paper analyzes the reason of multiple solutions and proposes an improved analytic model. This model is based on the considerations that the operations of protective relays(PRs) and circuit breakers(CBs) have the characteristic of uncertainty, and different PRs have different operating priorities after an occurrence of a fault. It assigns different contribution factors to various PRs and CBs, making the model more reasonable and fit the practical requirement. Additionally, a method based on self-adaptive biogeography-based optimization(SaBBO) is proposed to effectively solve the model. Simulations reflect that the diagnostic results of the improved model are unique and more reasonable, and SaBBO is characterized by fast global convergence and good performance.
Xiong Guojiang,Shi Dongyuan. An Improved Analytic Model for Fault Diagnosis of Power Grids and Its Self-Adaptive Biogeography-Based Optimization Method[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2014, 29(4): 205-211.
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